Stay tuned for dates for our BI-ANNUAL WAREHOUSE SALE (a little birdy told me it's really, really soon). Store Hours // 11am-7pm Mon-Sat; Sun Noon - 5:00pm. We can't thank you enough for choosing to shop local!
Sold Out
Length: 2 - 2.5 hours
Minimum Age:12+ years (Ages 12-15 with supervision, please)
Minimum Enrollment: 4 students
Maximum Enrollment:10 students
Instructor: Malene & Silas
This is soap making the old school way, Y'all. Take a mix of oils, lye, water and fragrance, heat them all together, and come out with a beautiful bar of soap. Hot-process soap creates a beautiful, rugged, natural looking bar of soap (and smells great, to boot).
In this 2.5 hour workshop, you'll learn how to make a variety of hot-process soaps using all natural ingredients. You'll learn how to identify the stages of saponification, including how to bring your oils to trace, properly cook, and when to identify the soap is ready for molding.
Unlike cold-process soap, hot process soap has a much quicker curing time, and can be used in as little as 24 hours later after demolding.
You'll get to choose from an array of fragrances and botanical accouterments and by the end of the class, we'll have molded 4 different types of soap, all of which attendees can come and pick up the next day (a value of over $30).
Due to the use of sodium hydroxide (lye) in this workshop, long sleeves, pants, and closed-toe shoes are necessary attire. All attendees will be required to wear gloves and safety goggles while mixing our lye water.
All products are included in the price of the workshop.
This class is limited to students who are age 15 and older; no children please.
Thursday, October 17th - 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Saturday, November 23rd - 9:00am - 11:30am
All Blitz Sale Workshops are final sale. For changes or cancelations on our regular workshops, please visit our Workshops Policy page.
Please note: Registration is closed 4 days prior to workshop.