A few random facts about me: I don't smile much. I am not overly serious, I just don't display a lot of emotion in general.    I love, love, love my two dogs.  I could eat pizza and goat cheese every single day.  Actually, I almost do eat them every day.  I have a Bachelor's in English from Xavier University {Cincinnati, Ohio}. My family moved a few times when I was growing up, so I don't have a childhood hometown.  I have adopted Cincinnati as my hometown.  My husband is from Ireland.  He has a hometown.  We were married in the same church where he was baptized, confirmed, and all those other Catholic sacraments.  I obsessively bite my nails. 

I tend to be all or nothing - when I like something, I really like it.  And when I don't, I just don't bother. I own Acute Designs, blog, create recipes and blog about them  and write - this is what I do all day long.  It is the best job ever. I am pretty shy and a little socially awkward in real life. I am extremely sarcastic and melodrama drives me crazy. I don't take myself or much too seriously. I am obsessed with history of old homes, museums, period dramas, movies, and books. I hate air conditioning.  With a passion. Steak tartare is my favorite.  Don't judge until you try it. My husband is the dreamer.  I am the practical one.  Funny enough - I am the one chasing my dreams and he is the engineer.  I guess we do need healthcare....



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Little Laurels brass leaf headband Acute Designs Sold Out Sold Out
Little Leaves brass leaf headband Acute Designs $26.00 $26.00
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